Discover how to become an effective leader.
As a member of ESA, you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills by motivating fellow members to make lasting impacts on our world. The leadership experience and confidence you develop will carry you through a lifetime of personal and professional successes.
Members have ample opportunities for leadership development. Within chapters, members gain formal and informal hands-on leadership experience by assuming officer roles, chairing committees, and handling special projects. Members can also hold positions on state and international levels. Plus, ESA regularly offers special seminars and educational programs, annual leadership conferences, and leadership training.
Through the ESA Pallas Athene program – a leadership and recognition program – you will receive step-by-step guidance to help you earn the coveted Certified Volunteer of America designation.
ESA promises to support you with the guidance, education, and assistance you need to ensure your community service projects are successful. Advisors, councils, and ESA staff are always available to help, and the expansive network of ESA members serves as a valuable resource, as well as a community of true friends.
Become your best self.
Change your life by helping others. Enjoy flexible participation, a well-rounded service program, and lifelong friendships.
Join today.