Join today.
At Epsilon Sigma Alpha, we believe in Good Friends, Good Works, and Good Times, which means that we would be delighted to have you join us!
We are always looking to connect with those with a passion for growth, volunteering, and making the world around them a better place. With ESA, you'll be able to grow your skills, confidence, and network, all while making a lasting impact on your community - and having fun doing it! Begin your Epsilon Sigma Alpha journey and start to make a difference in the lives of others and your own today.
ESA membership is open to anyone 18 years and older. First year membership fee of $79.00 includes new member introductory materials, membership pin, a subscription to ESA’s semi-annual Journey magazine, access to the members-only section of the website including project resources, use of the ESA name and credentials for your resume, and the opportunity to enroll in ESA awards and recognition programs. (Annual renewal dues are $59, a senior renewal discount is available.)
IF YOU BELONG TO ESA NOW AND WANT TO MAKE YOUR RENEWAL PAYMENT, PLEASE VISIT THE Member Center. Select "My Account" then follow instructions for renewing membership. Please do not use the JOIN button on this page to pay your renewal dues.
IF YOUR MEMBERSHIP HAS LAPSED OR YOU BELONGED TO ESA IN THE PAST AND WANT TO REACTIVATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP: You don't have to join again, just let us know you want to reactivate, you can do this regardless of how long ago you were last active in ESA. Either fill out this form and send us a check, or give us a call at 970.223.2824
Membership options
Community Membership
Choose this option if you are NOT currently a college student. ESA is for everyone who wants to have fun, learn, and help others. Everyone from young professionals to busy executives to parents to retirees will love this membership type. This is for you if you are ready to make a difference for others and for yourself. ESA activities for this membership type are designed to interest members from any age group and professional status.
Collegiate Membership
Choose this type of ESA membership if you are at least 18 years of age and currently enrolled at a college or university. ESA activities for this membership type are customized for a campus-oriented setting. Any member may easily change their membership status at no cost from collegiate to community and back as their student status changes. Please select the membership type that most closely meets your needs at this time.
Join now.
We are so excited you’re choosing to join ESA! You will follow the steps outlined below to create you ESA membership and then you’ll be off and running. Once you create your membership take some time to explore the ESA Member Center portion of our website.
Please note: if you are looking to renew your ESA dues do not follow this process. Log into the Member Center and click My Account to renew your dues.