Get Involved
​Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) is a service organization that focuses on Good Friends, Good Works, and Good Times. We achieve this through hands-on involvement in the Education of ourselves and others, Serving our community, and finding Association with those who will encourage and push us to become our best selves.
From the day we were founded, Epsilon Sigma Alpha has been focused on promoting reading, learning, and growing our leadership potential. As a member of ESA, you will have the opportunity to develop your skills, further your learning, and broaden your understanding of the world around you.
Within chapters, members gain hands-on leadership experience by assuming officer roles, chairing committees, and handling special projects. ESA HQ and local chapters regularly hold programs, seminars, guidance opportunities, conferences, and events that will further your skills and knowledge. We also encourage each other to further our formal education; many of our members are collegiate or take classes through a local community college!
As you develop your leadership skills and gain knowledge about different topics, you will have the chance to bring that education to the world around you. There are so many ways to impact your community and your world - all you have to do is Get Involved!
“The leadership skills, program development ideas, and self-confidence that I have developed through ESA have been instrumental in my life.”
- Vicky, Kentucky
At Epsilon Sigma Alpha, we firmly believe that one person can make a difference. Members of ESA contribute an immeasurable amount of service to benefit people around the world. Joining ESA provides you with the opportunity to get involved in service projects to support and raise money for local, national, and international charities. Every year, ESA members participate in more than 850,000 hours of direct service and raise $1 million in cash for charitable causes including St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ®.
Every member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha has different interests, passions, and strengths. We heartily encourage and empower you to get involved and pursue the causes that matter to you. Each member and chapter can determine their own goals and interests, decide how much time and resources to allocate, and pick the service projects that matter to them.
Want to see what service projects Epsilon Sigma Alpha partners with? Click here!
“ESA is a community service organization, not only for your community, but also for the communities of the world."
- Sarah, Louisiana
Epsilon Sigma Alpha brings together individuals of all different backgrounds who have at least one thing in common: the interest and desire to make a difference. As members work together on community service projects, it creates an atmosphere of mutual support and companionship, which in turn creates long-lasting and meaningful connections with those around them.
Community membership in ESA is completely flexible. You can become a community member at the age of 18, no matter if you are in college, joining a pre-existing chapter, or striking out on your own as an individual (or even making a new chapter!). The only participation requirements are the ones that you decide. It is your passions, your efforts, and your goals that will affect how much you want to participate. Regardless of your level of involvement, you can trust that ESA will continue to make a difference in your life and the lives of those you connect with.
“What do I love about ESA? Everything! The best thing about ESA is all the fabulous people I have met.”
– Janene, Kansas
Have Questions?
Want to know more about community membership, starting a chapter, or getting involved? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for more details!
Chapter Spotlight

ESA friends make amazing travel buddies. Members from all over the country embark on new travel adeventures together.

Indiana chapters work together to sponsor a diving class for campers at Camp Riley, a camp for people with disabilities.