International Council (IC)

International Council Executive Board

The International Council (IC) Executive Board consists of elected ESA members who serve as volunteer leaders and liaisons for ESA local, state, and regional councils. The IC Board also hosts the ESA International Council Convention, which takes place annually each July. Each member of the IC Executive Board travels to designated state meetings to represent the organization, and provide volunteer guidance for local chapters and councils. 

All chapters and other councils within ESA are encouraged to belong to the International Council to share ideas and support. Payment of IC dues is necessary for chapters to receive a tax-exempt designation. While all chapters receive benefits provided from the work of the International Council, only chapters who pay their dues have voting privileges for the election of officers and for the conduct of business at the IC Convention.

The International Council Executive Board has established an exemplary standard for all volunteer leaders. Its hard work, along with that of its member chapters and councils, continues to motivate the ESA membership to continue following its proud tradition of leadership development and public service.



Members Only: Click here to view the entire IC Board roster and state presidents roster.
Lynda Edwards
Celeste Webb
First Vice President
Angela Butenschoen
Second Vice President
Brenda Campbell
Recording Secretary
Betty Keaton
24-25 Corresponding Secretary
Margaret Kramer
Brenda Fields
Angie Fairbanks
Workshop Coordinator
Terri Olson
IC Past President
Doug Mills
ESA Headquarters Representative
Misty Evans
25-26 Corresponding Secretary