Inspiration on your fridge

Earlier in the week I came across the story of a man in a gym who met this fellow: Marvin Moster. The author, Peter Bregman, watched Moster boxing at the gym. Moster is 77 years-old and Bregman was impressed, not just because Moster was in such great shape, but because he seemed so happy to be himself. Bregman was so inspired that he asked if he could take a picture of Moster for his fridge. It was that moment that Bregman decided to start a collection of all the people (whether they were close friends or strangers) who inspired him to be a better version of himself. Now this picture of Moster hangs on his fridge and reminds him to eat a little better and exercise a little more.

Who would you put on your fridge?

Read the full story at The Daily Good

Posted: 4/5/2013 8:51:26 AM by Charlotte Carloni | with 0 comments
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