Regional Leadership Conference

Join us in St. Louis, MO

Please enjoy excerpts from online portions of the conference conducted by the ESA Headquarters staff.

- It’s OK to say NO: Often times we feel like saying “no” isn’t an option. In fact, agreeing to everything often leads to unsatisfactory outcomes and burnout. Learn how to protect your time, set boundaries, and start making more time to do the things you love. (Presented by Mackeigan Wuest, Communications Coordinator)

- Leverage Your Strengths: We all have to do tasks that we don’t particularly enjoy. That’s part of life. What if we told you it doesn’t have to be so hard? Learn how to leverage your strengths to accomplish your task list with out procrastinating the day away. (Presented by Mackeigan Wuest, Communications Coordinator)

- Dealing with Difficult People: In work and in life, it’s inevitable that you will have to deal with people who are hard to work with. Learn about different communication styles and how to resolve conflicts and keep the peace. (Presented by Charlotte Carloni, Executive Director)

- Birth Order and Leadership: Are first-born children destined to become domineering bosses? Are younger siblings likely to be free-spirits? Learn about how birth order affects our leadership roles and personality in this fun session. (Presented by Charlotte Carloni, Executive Director)